Bleaching Teak How Do I Refinish Teak Wook That Has Been Bleached By The Weather?

How do I refinish teak wook that has been bleached by the weather? - bleaching teak

Coarse grain (80) paper, his path in K 120 and finally 240 for the final. Only use teak oil in our boat once a month and a slight gloss coating makes beautiful! Some use Cetol and heard mixed results with this product.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Oil - Linseed oil, tung oil, there are others. ask Home Depot or Lowe. Simply apply - wood sucks. You can do this several times and should be much better.

frank266... said...

It is a product that is available in all good shipping supplies are available .. Teak Cleaner and Teak Oil .. Works by pressure washing, but it is .. Grain, to make optimum use of cleaner and a scrub brush, then the process of lubrication begins .. Teak looks great, but the pain in the $ aa hold .. I hope this helps ... Good Luck

justanot... said...

Teak is very new, but it's a pain in the @ $ $ for maintenance, operation Mahogony place, the dye and poly) in force (without ramps is a bit of Hassel, but at least a few years out of him before he end it. I think it is beautiful, as well as teak.

victoria said...

Sand on the floor and then too much or he simply Restaino relaquer. Go to Home Depot. they are cooled.

sevenout... said...

Do not sand, clean, then just start it, oil on them

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