Epson Programmed To Die Are Apple/Macintosh Computers Programmed To Die, Like, Say Epson Printers Are?

Are Apple/Macintosh computers programmed to die, like, say Epson printers are? - epson programmed to die

With Epson printers - and probably the others - there are a number of copies of a certain age or after programming the chip says: "I am dead." You can restore the software, but if not, there's nothing you can do to continue with the printer.

It Does anybody know if Macs are so intrinsic programming? I've had more laptops "without end" with messages that are considered highly doubtful, but I wonder if anyone has a real answer.

Can give Thanks for the help.


chris said...

I have never such a thing happen in a system of any brand - no real way to track such things, temporary storage (PRAM, especially on an Apple) you can very easily be bombed. Since the flood last year I had a Mac Classic and the Power Mac 6100 running very well and they now have an iMac G3, the original) (in operation, even if the PRAM battery has sufficient charge to keep the correct date. Which means that if they are "programmed" to die after a certain date, is a statement of the day clear and start over. If you have these messages, you can try to understand the problem.

bsghost1... said...

Wow, what makes for a conspiracy theory. There are Macs still running '80 's, which may be before your birth. Allow material outside of a few years to meet / kill will cause the internal battery, which issues. Replace the battery brings everything to life. I agree with you on all printers, worse than that is, they are pigs, ink, the main thing for OEM car is for sale. I use a CISS ink system with my Epson and save a lot of money.

Sorbon1 said...

Macs are often sent on known vulnerabilities (see "too much thermal paste), which can shorten their life. If there is something planned to be somewhat younger.

I have an old iMac G3 Clamshell still works well.

Macs BTW, peanuts, have computers for a year. All parties are the same, and OS X uses a BSD kernel ... which is regarded as an operating system for PCs. So, if the interruption PC in a year, do it on the Mac.

The irony, of course, that some analysts predict sales of used Mac is based on the few people to update remarkly people quickly. Is two to five times faster than the average Windows user.

KriegOvD... said...

The problem is knwown Epson has for several years. A Dutch magazine were among the first to be found.

As for the Mac, I could not say.

KriegOvD... said...

The problem is knwown Epson has for several years. A Dutch magazine were among the first to be found.

As for the Mac, I could not say.

chrisona... said...

Yes, kill the Mac even after 10,000 new businesses.

Seriously, I've never heard of this rumor. My Epson is about 8 years and works well.

Glen C said...

iv I bought an Epson, hoping that this is not true

o0samote... said...

Not at all!

when he dies, dies a hard Failiure normally like any other team.

Peanut said...

No, but I know PC-break in one years

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