Green Tea And Ramipril I Take Plaqunile, Ramipril & Evoxac, Is It Safe To Drink Green Tea With Ginseng?

I take plaqunile, ramipril & evoxac, is it safe to drink green tea with ginseng? - green tea and ramipril

I have lupus and Sjögren that violated the drinking of green tea with ginseng


lkas12 said...

Drink a cup of green tea can alleviate symptoms of dry mouth and provide protection against autoimmune diseases such as diabetes type-1 syndrome, Sjogren's, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia, studied mice with type 1 diabetes and the syndrome of Sjogren's syndrome - an autoimmune disease that destroys the salivary and lacrimal glands and leads to severe dry mouth and dry eye. In addition to Sjogren's syndrome can be dry mouth caused by other conditions, many drugs or radiation. The study showed that mice given oral administration of green tea extract were significantly less salivary gland damage than mice, they get water. Sjogren's syndrome is among the elderly and usually only treat the symptoms by artificial radionuclides commonName of saliva for the symptoms of dry mouth.

"We suspected that green tea would suppress the response to inflammatory disease," says Dr. Stephen Hsu, lead author of the study, said in a statement. "Patients treated with extracts of green tea will start three weeks showed far less damage to the glands in the course of time."

The researchers found that a chemical plant 3gallate in green tea called epigallocatechin-(or EGCG) appears to inhibit the autoimmune response and suppress inflammation. According to investigators, the cause of the body's immune EGCG on TNF-alpha block, a group of proteins and molecules produced by white blood cells. TNF-alpha plays a role in the destruction of the cell.

"The cells of the salivary gland treated, for example,CG had fewer signs of cell death caused by TNF-alpha, "says Hsu." We do not know know exactly how EGCG occur. That further studies are required. In some ways, this study gives us more questions than answers. "

Hsu said that additional studies also show, May, as the chemical plants in green tea may be other autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis influence, scleroderma, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

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