Roller Coaster Drop Feeling How Do You Get Rid Of That Feeling That You Get When You Go Down A Drop On A Roller Coaster?

How Do You Get Rid Of That Feeling That You Get When You Go Down A Drop On A Roller Coaster? - roller coaster drop feeling

How to get rid of feeling that you do when you get a drop on a roller coaster?
I am Six Flags with a group of friends and I feel bad because I hate the feeling you get when you go for a dip in the roller coaster. Is there a way to stop this feeling, or at least a little better? Any tips?


dsnygrl4... said...

I hate this feeling, even feels like I'm dying ... although the pressure on the stomach aid. I pull the belt and if I fall, I push as hard on my stomach as I can with my hands and press his belly. Any pressure on the stomach (the size and hands, and contracting muscles themselves) seems to work. As the reputation of the drops. LOL .....

Treece said...

One - Many people told him to close his eyes to ... I suggest you do not like ... When I close your eyes on roller coasters will surely ill

Two - do not hold your breath ... laugh or cry is that the tensions Publications

Three - Do not feel really peaks. Holding onto the handlebar, so you feel better, but stay relaxed as your body moves up and down with the trip, not only in the interior.

Four - is not on the roll .. too many hills in a row Give your body time to between rides again

Albus Dumbledore said...

Man oh wow. This feeling is the best feeling. It feels really scared the first time, but you get used to using, if you go often. If you avoid some of that feeling, then put his head back in the seat, because there's no tomorrow! If you see a down, laid his head back. and closes his eyes to understand or handle what they have to keep you .. Tight. helps a lot. Trust me, it really does not.

patty mayonaise said...

Is anxiety and it is the greatest pleasure for him. Listen, do not ride on a roller coaster, you will be safe. I was a little Ka at Six Flags than sixfold. Chill out and have fun and try to stay away from foods prior to amusement park rides;) could be your stomach. Enjoy!

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